Change is Good

Change is Good

Sometimes the things we can’t change, end up, changing us. It is time to wake up, show up, and speak up! Speak Truth to POWER! Be the one who tells the truth about the nature of something, speaking frankly and directly about it, including subjects, even if...
Site Recommendation

Site Recommendation

I’m planning my Christmas decorations — here’s an article I thought many of my friends might find useful. There are some cool and easy DIY things to do which will save you tons of money — so check them out and I’ll be following up with...
Homemade Salsa

Homemade Salsa

I don’t normally post recipes on my site but I am going to start using this as a place to keep and reference them in the future. I have a salsa recipe that I’ve created from others I’ve tried over the years….feel free to make it and let me know...
Doing Business at a Distance: Advice to Developers & Buyers

Doing Business at a Distance: Advice to Developers & Buyers

As a business/contractor who’s been stiffed on several projects, I thought I would put down things every online contractor and business should know when doing business at a distance. With the recent rise of working at a distance/virtually with someone and often never...