How Much More Time We Spent at Home

We had to do a lot more from home in 2020. Based on the American Time Use Survey, we spent about 62% of our waking time at home. In contrast, we only spent about 50% in 2019. Here is the breakdown by activity on a weekday. For each year, I counted the total minutes...

New Orleans power outage seen via satellite imagery

After Hurricane Ida, New Orleans experienced power outages. The NASA Earth Observatory show the outages by comparing night lights on August 31, 2021 against night lights on August 9, 2021: VIIRS has a low-light sensor—the day/night band—that measures light emissions...

Science behind running fast vs. running far

From The New York Times, the combination of video, motion graphics, and charts, packaged tightly in a scrollytelling format, clearly shows the differences. Tags: New York Times, Olympics, running

Map of drying reservoirs in the west

To show water levels in California’s drying reservoirs, The Washington Post used upside down triangles to represent each reservoir. I like the idea to use an encoding that kind of looks like a reservoir, but my brain can’t help but read the fill level through height...