Yesterday, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) launched the Applied AI Healthcare Challenge, a prize competition seeking diverse and practical solutions to help federal agencies provide the highest level of medical care.

This challenge focuses on improving healthcare outcomes in these areas:

Mental Health: AI technologies applied to mental health data to identify potential treatments.
Addiction and the Opioid Epidemic: AI technologies to help public service agencies identify trends to detect and intervene earlier.
Equity: AI to improve outcomes for populations disproportionately impacted by illness or disease.
Supply Chain and Safety: AI to improve access to and safety of medications and supplies.
Cancer: Research-based AI detection models to help detect cancers earlier and improve outcomes.
The Centers of Excellence (CoE) is working in partnership with, both housed within GSA’s Technology Transformation Services (TTS), a part of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, to invite teams with new and existing AI technologies to participate in this competition as part of the Year of Open Science.

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