I share links all the time on Twitter so thought I should make it a daily post on the site. And since this is the first post I’m going to include many of the sites I tweeted over the past couple of weeks — hope you enjoy.
TidyFavorites describes itself as “the next–generation program that makes working with bookmarks safer, faster and easier”.
Features include: Find websites instantly by viewing easy-to-recognize thumbnail images
– Open, copy, delete and update bookmarks in a single click
– Drag and drop to resize and rearrange bookmark thumbnails
– Add temporary links to a “stack” keeping your Tidy Favorites looking tidy
– Search through any website in seconds using a Command Line
– Use the same list of bookmarks in every browser – IE, Firefox, Opera, etc.
What a Lovely Name
What A Lovely Name helps you find the perfect name for your baby. You can browse by tradition, or personality trait, or even check out what celebrities are naming their children (these can be names to choose or to avoid as you see fit).
Easily “embed” pictures, logos, and videos in your videos!
Highlight what u share on the web:
You can highlight web snippets & tweet them.
SocialToo compliments your social experience by providing you with all the tools you need to get the most you can from those you follow on the web. We’re automating the processes needed to make this experience as easy as possible, and providing you with tools to reach your audience to its fullest potential.
iStylr, an online application enabling you to \create, edit and share tableless CSS designs online.
WePapers helps students and others share and expand their knowledge. You can find and download the papers and documents you need in a matter of seconds, discuss them with others, or just mess around.
TeachMate.org helps learners connect with teachers. They describe the site as “a dating service in education”. It is also a place where you can learn from each other, i.e., a bit of a educational barter, in you teach me this and I’ll teach you that.