Its not a new idea but it is coming of age. Recently I read an article about a company who will be tutoring you kids—and this takes the idea of outsourcing to an entirely different level. A company called TutorVista has gained business with US schools to tutor rural school districts. What a great idea—giving rural students access to excellent support/services. But what caught me off-guard is the company, TutorVista is not a US based company, its the ultimate in outsourcing—you’ll have the locals from India tutoring your children.
My first thought is why are American schools outsourcing this to non-US based/American companies? Well of course its about cost, but I would say there are millions of US workers/tutors who would be willing to work from the comfort of their own home for 13/14 dollars an hour. This would give the company a profit of 6/7 dollars an hour because the India based TutorVista is charging 20.00 an hour and 99.00 a month!
Thoughts, feedback?