The Drug War and Addiction go Hand in Hand

The Drug War and Addiction go Hand in Hand

We would be disingenuous to say addiction is not a problem in every community in the United States. What disturbs me is we haven’t changed the way addicts are treated in our communities and our homes. We still advocate the unscientific 12 step programs and feel...
Site Recommendation

Site Recommendation

I’m planning my Christmas decorations — here’s an article I thought many of my friends might find useful. There are some cool and easy DIY things to do which will save you tons of money — so check them out and I’ll be following up with...

iThinkMedia & a Lot More!

Okay, that says it all, this blog has been online for 17 years and never really got its footing but all that is about to change. We are not only going to cover technology and media, we are going to start talking about a lot more issues and provide a technology and...
Free Online Classes from Major Universities

Free Online Classes from Major Universities

Higher education has always had a high price tag but there are ways you can gain the knowledge you need along with an official credential from the institution and signed by the instructor. The certificate verifies your achievement and can be used to highlight skills...
Conspiracy Theories: Call me crazy!

Conspiracy Theories: Call me crazy!

Reality: you may not be crazy and all those touting conspiracy theories might not be either. Typically I do not believe in conspiracy theories but I’ve been coming across several reputable journalists who are sharing their experiences and thoughts on the matter....